пятница, 22 июня 2012 г.

Some words about Amber client

For writing client side of my application i used:
- Amber smalltalk
- WebSocket
- Raphael.js library

1. Amber smalltalk.
How to install Amber and to fire up amber`s server is said in official site of Amber: http://amber-lang.net
I don` want to explain this step because it`s simple and clear.

2. WebSocket.
This technology allows me to connect to Pharo server with WebSocket interface. My client-side is slim, and most of functional source code of client is stored on the server and recieved by client when it is needed.
For example, i need to get all objects of server and render them on client. Clent sends command 'getElements', server processed this message.
Then server do something like WebHMIElement elements do: [ :el | el info ]. Method "info" of object "WebHMIElement" emits event to client to create and render this object. Clent recieves message, that contains smalltalk-code, that must be executed on client. This code will create and draw object on workfield.

3. Raphael.js
I used this JS library to render objects on client. I want to use this library to create complex widgets in future (for example to render CPU-load of workstation or list of processes etc.). Maybe i will use one more JS library to do this.

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